Bucci Radio

210: How to Recession Proof Your Business - with Scott Oldford



The more we consume other people's information and news and media, the more our nervous system and subconscious goes into overdrive. This causes us to go into fight, flight, or freeze mode, which is what a lot of us are experiencing right now.  We have a very timely and relevant episode today, my mentor Scott Oldford. He’s been preparing for something like a pandemic for 2 years. If you don’t know Scott, (he’s been on the podcast before) but he’s been running businesses since he was 14 and has built ten 7-figure businesses and helped over 100 entrepreneurs scale to 7-figures. In this episode, we discuss the current climate of online business and coronavirus, why we are in the middle of a large awakening of consciousness, how to handle what’s happening as a leader for your team, how to not lose your clients, how to be transparent with your team members or employees, and how best to market your products to weather the storm.  To get access to Scott’s program, visit: amandabucci.com/recessionproof IMPORTANT MOME