Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

The World Opens Up when you Take Structure Away (Show #440/648) | Download full MP3 from May 15, 2019



Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "The World Opens Up when you Take Structure Away" - Show #440, from 8/30/2012 Dan Deacon - "Rail" - America Eduard Artemiev - "Side One" - Solaris OST Joe Frank - "Bad Karma" The Evan "Funk" Davies Show - "don't sleep on adventure" - From 8/1/2012 David Cronenberg, Jeff Goldblum - "We're having synchronization problems" - Into the Night Trevor Timm, Parker Higgins - "Pwn the Drones: A Survey of UAV Hacks and Exploits" - HOPE conference 9/2012 Cheshire Catalyst, John Draper, Tom Santa Monica - "Old School Phreaking" - HOPE conference 9/2012 Keith Fullerton Whitman - "ACGTR SVP" - Playthroughs Charlie Kaufman - "Failure is a badge of honor, it means you risked failure" - Screenwriters Lecture Highlights Souen - "Ken's Souen kitchen walk before it closed for renovation" Terry Gilliam - "Spielberg gives you answers, Kubrick doesn't, the holocaust, the complete failure of civilization" Edwin Black - "IBM and the Holocaust (Thomas J. Watson)" - IBM and the Holocaust Dan Seward -