I Am Sandra Oles And You're Not...

Interview with Lonnie Senstock, Director, Cinematographer Singer and Actor, How to Do it ALL!



Ever wonder what it would be like to direct a film about a Hollywood legend or try to divide your passions equally between being an actor, cinematographer, director and singer? Not many of us have, but Lonnie Senstock does exactly this on a daily basis! He is a regular raconteur, and has been hired to tell the story of the legendary screenwriter and mega television producer Lew Hunter called Once in a Lew Moon. Lew has taught in the Writer’s Master program at UCLA and who has been known to host 20 hopeful scriptwriters in his home at a time coaching and teaching them the secrets to writing a successful script! Hunter has been the mastermind behind some great programming catapulting societal entertainment into a new era in the 60s and 70s including Bewitched, Little House on the Prairie, Quincy among so many others. Lonnie will tell you stories about Lew and his unique contributions to the world of entertainment and about the many renowned actors, writers and directors in his film such as: Oliver Stone, Patty