Reason For Truth

Living The Christian Faith in 2020



How can we better live our Christian faith in 2020. The President of the United States calls on Christians to be exemplars of the Christian faith in the new 2020 New Year. A couple married 80 years gives us some tips on marriage that we can take into the New Year as explores for Christ. And, a white Christian State Trooper in Texas pulls over a car with African Americans in it and after finding out that they are on their way to a funeral-asks to pray for them. This is how we heal a nation. This is how we unify America. All this is best accomplished when we exemplify our Lord Jesus Christ in every area-barred none, of our lives. This includes our work, our friendships, family, work place and interaction with other fellow human beings, even when they appear to be different than us. I pray for a unifying 2020 New Year for you and your family. I hope today's podcast blesses you.