Reason For Truth




Today in PART2 we provide the FOUR KEY INGREDIENTS to fulling God's wisdom in keeping good company! We will do this within the context of Scripture and the ancient Sicilian proverb that says Cu practice u zippu, all'anno azzoppai" which is Italian/Sicilian for "He who walks with the cripple, sooner or later will start limping". The meaning of this ancient saying is that you start becoming like those who you associate with. I believe that this Italian proverb comes from Scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 15:33 which says, "Do not deceived: Bad company ruins good morals" (1 Cor. 15:33). We would all be wise to realize that the company we keep will rub off on us as we rub off on others. Be if we are not careful, we risk of becoming bad from keeping bad company. This is just as true for adults as it is for students who go off to the secular university, It's just the TRUTH. And today, I will provide PART1 of this truth through this ancient Sicilian proverb and many biblical Scriptures. Remember, God first tells us