Staying Well

The Impact of Stress On Headaches & Migraines



Is your stress the reason for your dreadful headache?Everyone has stress on a daily basis, but studies have indicated that high levels of stress increase the occurrence of headaches and migraines.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), headaches are one of the most common nervous system disorders; around 47% of the global adult population has had headaches at least once within the last year. And, the study authors say around 12% of the Western population experiences migraine attacks.How does stress affect your mind and body?When you're constantly stressed, it may seem like you are always on the edge. Your body gets wired from adrenaline, causing your blood pressure to rise and the inability to fall asleep. Your body will eventually crash from this adrenaline high, and when it does, you begin to realize the hidden consequences of stress.If you're struggling to find some stress relief that doesn't include any medication, try attending a yoga class, do breathing exercises or find a place that calms you