Staying Well

How to Sleep Better When Traveling



What are some things you can do to help promote healthy sleep while you're away from home?When you have to travel for work, or if you're finally on your way to a vacation, one of the biggest concerns of your trip might be getting enough sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need roughly seven to eight hours of sleep each night.But, long travel delays, uncomfortable seating in a plane, car or train, missing the comfort of your own bed, and crossing time zones that cause jet lag can cause you to miss out on some much-needed shuteye.What exactly is jet lag?Jet leg happens when your internal clock is disrupted when you travel across time zones, which can cause extreme fatigue, insomnia and irritability.How can you maintain healthy sleep while traveling?Sadly, there is no way around traveling; but there are some things you can do to help promote healthy sleep while you are on the road (or in the air) and at an unfamiliar hotel.While packing your luggage, be sure to include earplugs and a face m