Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

"White Redemption: On the Faultline of Black Forgiveness" :: OPEN MIC



OCG Black History Month 2021  "White Redemption: On the Black Faultline" OPEN MIC NIGHT Focus . . . . Where should be, “You’re Not Off The Hook” because nothing has not happened to make it so. We should not be living on the Black Faultline not understanding that White live under a myth about  ‘Black Forgiveness’. It seems America wants redemption without buying a ticket to the party. re·demp·tion /rəˈdem(p)SH(ə)n/ noun  1.1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil Accountability before forgiveness is not a novel idea. But America believes it only for itself. To support OUR COMMON GROUND visit our website. Follow us on FB and Twitter #JaniceOCG Join  our Exchange Community