Red On Red

Red on Red - Episode Seventeen - Jamie Coughlan



This week on the podcast, we're talking with Cork music blogger, editor and gig promoter Jamie Coughlan (@overblownzine). Chatting about starting a blog, working with others, experimenting with crowdfunding and the work/life balance. Tunes from Gadget and the Cloud, Sillk, Happyalone and more! 01. The Magnapinna - ‘Surf’s Up Baby’ (@themagnapinna) 02. God Alone. - ‘Intivim’ (@godalonecork) 03. SILLK - ‘Switchblades Don’t Sleep’ (#sillk) 04. Terriers - ‘Clean My Bones’ (#terriers) 05. Happy Alone - ‘Bodybags’ (@happyandfriends) 06. Soothsayer - ‘Cephalopod’ (@soothsayercrew) 07. Partholon - ‘All We Are’ (@partholonian) 08. Gadget & The Cloud - ‘And I Told You Something True’ (@gadgetatc) 09. Sam Clague - ‘Waves Make Foam’ (@sam_clague)