Roundtable With Stephanie Robinson

Are we crazier than we were before?



This week on Roundtable with Stephanie Robinson, Stephanie asks a blunt question: Are Americans crazier than we used to be? With all of the rapid technological changes, economic woes and high profile violence, are we unraveling at our seams? And what are the implications for our mental health both collective and individual?Joining us to sort out some of these challenging questions is Harvard psychiatrist Cynthia Carter, homeland security expert and Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Juliette Kayyem, and Harvard Law School faculty member and criminal law specialist Ron Sullivan. Together we will discuss our general mental health as a society and its implications for us as individuals. It is time to gather at the Roundtable as Stephanie Robinson delivers hot topics, deep talk and a little bit of uplift. Roundtable with Stephanie Robinson...pull up a chair.