Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

A photographer's influence with Pete Falkous and Stephen Rendall



Welcome to another special edition of Photography insights.  We go back to our theme of how artists and photographers have influenced some of you.  For me there is no better time to discuss this, it's a fresh year, we all need distraction so let's listen to someone else.  By listening to other people you find new artists to look at and see how it inspired people. This is the first time I had thought about mentioning someone myself, mainly because who wants to listen to me?  With not as much experience as most or photography education I wasn't sure about recommending anyone.  But there has been one person for some time that is influencing me on this photographic journey.  i don't mean just copying people either or just images, i mean a real thought pattern.  I've been lucky in life to be surrounded by a few amazing people and Quinn Jacobson just had this awe and effect on me.  Anyway I will stop babbling and move on to my guests. So as you all know Pete from Static Age