Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Jeanine Michna-Bales - the importance of projects



Welcome to today's podcast and boy do I have a special artist for you.  I came across Jeanine Michna-Bales through her work with the Yellow Rose project and was recommended by Frances and Meg.  Jeanine calls herself a fine artist who uses the medium of photography to explore relationships to society, land and us.  I think spending a few hours with her you can totally see this.  Have I ever met a person who has put so much in to her projects, quite simply no.  The reason I state this is Jeanine normally works on long term projects, including spending 14 years on through  darkness to light. Jeanine has a great soul, she's all about humanity, looking back at history and ensuring other generations know what happened.  Although we focus most of the discussion on her "darkness to light" project we do find time for others too.  However, the reason I wanted to talk to Jeanine was all about slavery and learning more about it.  The story she portrays is all about the people