Game Academy Radio

#037- Proscenium (Spectre)



Members of the studio Proscenium join me this week to discuss their upcoming multiplayer horror title, Spectre. But it isn't just any horror title: it's also available for the Oculus Rift, taking full advantage of the OC's unique features in an effort to create a truly unique horror game that players will not soon forget. Fully funded onKickstarter April 1, Proscenium is aiming to release this multiplayer/Oculus Rift horror hybrid sometime later this year. They share some great ideas during the course of the interview which is sure to at least peak the interest of horror fans that want something different in their video games. Moreover, we also discuss what's potentially on the horizon for virtual reality as well. It's a great interview that you won't want to miss - and it's only on Game Academy Radio!Hosted by Dusty Wright, Game Academy Radio is the official weekly radio show of what you hear? Follow Game Academy on Facebook and Twitter for daily indie development tips and strategies!