Revolution Radio

Christians Who Are Afraid Of The "World"?



Had a very interesting conversation this weekend in regards to some believers who have made it a point NOT TOO mingle with "THE WORLD", as if any association with someone who isn't "SAVED" would be detremental to their walk with God.   Paul in his letter to the Corinthian church admonishes that one of the responsibilty of the believer was the ministry of reconciliation. (I Cor 5:18-19) How do you bring reconciliation to something that you refuse to associate with? How do you bring light to darkness when you refuse to associate with darkness? How can you demonstrate the power of God through your life when that demonstration is only done within the walls of your church or among those that have the same beliefs as you?  Today on The Revolution Radio Show, we will look at this subject in light of scripture and try to determine if our coming out from among them, also includes a total seperation as well.