
Episode 43: Job Loss Series (part 4 of 4)



In this 4-part series on job loss, you will hear from men and women who have experienced the loss of a job. Their stories are very different and quite inspiring. From medical reasons to downsizing, age issues to energy levels there are so many reasons, excuses, mindsets, and issues surrounding the two words Donald Trump has become famous for saying... "You're Fired!" Whether some is laid off, given a pink slip, their company has closed, or the like, the end result is the same. You no longer have a job. So now what? What is God showing YOU through this time of transition? How have you reacted to your company downsizing? What has changed in your living arrangements, relationships, and yes, YOUR FAITH? Today's episode features Elizabeth's story. Former military personnel who has an amazing story of trials, tribulations and faith! Listen today to hear what God has brought her to and through, and how she continues to overcome and cope. I know it will be encouraging for you! http://ExcellenceWorx.com