Sex Talk with Lou

Diana Wiley PhD Seattle based Therapist



Seattle, WA based sex therapist Diana Wiley Ph.D. is one of my favorite guests. She will share her 25 + years of Best Ideas, Techniques and Practices couples can use to stay connected, begin a connection or rejuvenate a connection. An expert on AGING & SEXUALITY, Dr. Diana highlights that lust, laughter, and love need to be kept as priorities in order to improve longevity and enhance quality of life as we evolve and mature. Her comment is “Any age is a great age to strip off the sexual "shoulds" - remembering that sex is play, not work!” Now shall we add people are sexual throughout their lives and this population wants information tailor made to their needs? Pregnancy isn’t an issue, flexibility is so they want best options after hip/knee replacement. Diana is the co-host of Progressive Radio Network’s Wiley & Sage, Sex Love and Laughter. (206) 448-5359