Sex Talk with Lou

Carol Allen Love is in the Stars Vedic Astologer



How does astrology help people find/keep love? What can they learn about why they are single? 1. Timing – there are seasons of love and seasons of loneliness 2. Compatibility – that magical “wow” feeling you want with someone (this may be great, but the person may be a bad partner) 3. Relationship capacity – the ability to be a good partner – this may be missing, in SPITE of amazing compatibility (and we’ve all been there!) 4. Late bloomers in love” – half of the population isn’t successful at partnering until they’re in their LATE thirties and beyond… and this is SUCH A RELIEF to people and encourages them to NOT quit! 5. Single Archetypes-revealed by the stars that – once understood and addressed can be OVERCOME. Check out and you'll find Carols' FREE e-book, “Becoming The Woman Your Dream Man Wants.”