Sex Talk with Lou

Lou Paget covers - SEX IN THE NEWS 9/25/13



Once a month I like to look at some of the more prominent sex stories in any media. I go from Glamour magazine articles - adult star James Deen's awareness of what adult films are for and that the actors are more professional than many think, the things a $200,000 matchmaker will tell you NOT to do if you want to meet someone, dating concierge Laurie Davis of suggestions.  My thoughts on Melissa Gorga's new book Love Italian Style that that spurred Tracie Egan Morrisey's Jezebel piece saying she Advocates Marital Rape.  To me reads in part like a Rules throwback and in part her relationship and what works for THEM. I compare the Glamour article "Why No One Is Getting their Period" and a previous HuffPost Live interview I did on The Pull-Out Generation. And I am suspicious it is 'advertorial' for Merck's 4 page color spread ad for Nexplanon that followed 15 very thin pages later. The new program Micheal Russer and I are creating to refine, build and create intimacy and connection. Dr. Madelein