Heart Filled Holidays

Simple Living for Real Families – Andrea Dekker interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, April 6



Water, it's everywhere and we are constantly hearing about how we need to drink 8 glasses a day to maintain good health. You probably understand that in your head, but your heart just isn't in it. Today I'm sharing 5 motivating reasons to drink water, reasons that will make you want to grab a glass right now. Then I'm sharing the details of my last vacation; not to brag, but to show you how going against the grain can really make you happy. Then we're talking about simple living for real families. There's a lot of hype out there about simple living but, for the average family, a lot of what you hear can feel daunting. Today, Andrea Dekker is joining us to share the real scoop about simple living. She's a wife, mom and full time blogger working from home who believes in keeping things real. She'll be sharing ideas with us for making life easier for your family through simple living strategies, strategies that work for real families. And finally we're wrapping things up in Christmas Corner with a chat about t