
Michael Russer 03-18-2014



In September of 2011 Michael Russer began a personal transformation that included a diagnosis of prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, follow up intensive radiation treatments and full blown impotence. While most people would call it a tragedy, he considers his resulting impotence to be one of the biggest blessings in his life. It is because of his impotence that he and his partner discovered an entirely new approach to experiencing levels of emotional and physical intimacy that far exceeds anything either experienced prior to when things were working “normally”. An approach to deep connecting emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy that is available to all couples who are truly open to it. It is his personal mission in life to serve other couples who struggle to truly connect on a deeper level due to impotence or simply because they have lost their “spark” and use his communications skills to share what he has learned worldwide. Prior to this phase of his life, Michael was a highly regarded internatio