
Allen Vaysberg 06-17-2014



Imagine a flower, such as the lotus right above this, you have a center, petals closest to it, another set of petals that cover those, as well as a third set that cover the previous. When I speak of Essence I often imagine this flower for its symbolic relationship to people’s lives. The soul or Essence is our center, it is who we truly are at our core. But we all have many talents and those talents, just like the petals, are Expressions of Essence. I have found that the farther you are from the center with your activities the less satisfied you are with life, the more you feel something is missing or you are not aligned with your purpose. I call the overall picture the Essence Spectrum. It can be used as a gauge or scale in helping you re-calibrate and perform activities that are closest to your center thus allowing you to Live Your Essence. Below is my Essence Spectrum: Allen’s Essence: Spiritual Teacher & Creator Expressions of Essence (starting with the closest to farthest on the Essence