Connection Community Church

iServe: Anatomy of a Servant



If you hear the word “servant” what images come to your mind? Are they positive or negative? In our culture, is being a servant something people would strive for, or something they generally would want to avoid? What about you? Does the idea of being a servant appeal to you? Read John 13:1-17. Now close your eyes and imagine Jesus washing your feet. How do you feel? Does it make you uncomfortable to think that God’s son is on his knees, washing your feet? How can we serve others sacrificially without making them feel uncomfortable? When was the last time someone served you, other than a waiter or a waitress in a restaurant? How were you served? Did they do a good job? What was it about the way they served you that made it a good or a not so good experience? What can you learn from that will help you serve better? Other than Jesus, who do you think is the ultimate servant in the Bible? Why did you choose that person? Do you share any qualities with them? What can you learn from them to make you a better s