Connection Community Church

iServe: Team United -vs- Team Untied



What does it mean to you to be part of a team? Are you currently part of a team? Where? Is that team “united” or “untied”? During your lifetime, what is the best team you’ve ever been a part of and what is the worst team you’ve ever been a part of? What made the teams so good or so bad? Can you use this knowledge to make any current teams you are a part of better? Oftentimes in traditional churches, the term “committee” is used when talking about a group of people working together at the church. At Connection we like to use the word “team” instead. What images come to mind when you hear committee? When you hear team? Is there much difference? Are you currently part of a team at Connection? Is the team “united” or “untied”? What is it that is making it one or the other? If you feel it is more “untied,” is there anything YOU can do to change that? How about your home team? Is that team “united” or “untied”? If you answered “untied,” what can you do to change that? If “united,” what is it that makes it unite