Connection Community Church

Unwrapping Christmas: The Gift of Wonder



First of all, read Luke 2:1-20. Maybe you’ve read it before and you know the story. But this time, take your time. Read it carefully. Try to put yourself in the scene. Imagine traveling with Joseph and Mary the 80 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Imagine the sights and smells of the animals in the stall when the baby is born. Imagine yourself sleeping on the ground with the shepherds. Imagine hearing and seeing the angel of the Lord and the celestial choir that comes to praise God. Imagine going into town, to the stable, and seeing the Lord, Jesus, the Christ, who has just entered the world….a baby wrapped in cloths, lying there in the manger. Take time to re-live this WONDERful event that we can so easily miss in all the hubbub of Christmas. Read Matthew 2:1-12. Imagine yourself traveling with the Magi, following the star in the sky. Imagine your encounter with Herod. Imagine what it must have been like to finally, after all those miles of travel, come face to face with the child, Jesus. Imagine giving thi