Wonderful Words & Phrases - Albert Jack

Idioms and Phrases with Naval Origins (1)



Hello and welcome to this brand new podcast channel called Wonderful Words and Phrases with me Albert Jack.Over the next few months we are going to be delving into the deep and rich history of the English language on a journey of discovery.A quest to find out why we use expression such as to turn a BLIND EYE when we should be ignoring something or why MONEY FOR OLD ROPE is always a good thing.All the information can be found in my three best selling books Red Herrings and White Elephants, Shaggy Dogs and It's a Wonderful Word.These three books are packed with idioms, phrases and expressions we all say everyday where the words we use mean nothing in the context of a conversation.But, if we have grown up as native English speakers we all know exactly what it means.Audio Books written & narrated by Albert Jack here - https://albertjack.co.uk/