Watch The Theron: The Charlize Theron Podcast

012 The Yards (2000)



Is The Yards a near masterpiece or merely an above-average period piece lacking a sense of time and place and starring a mumbly Marky Mark? There's a real division on this episode as we head into Queens to talk about the shady backdoor deals of, I don't know, trainyard stuff? While The Yards could give Charlize Theron more to do, its meticulous pace and Godfather-esque feel elevate it far above most of the dreck we've covered so far on Watch The Theron. How much you love it is to be determined, but with great performances and a strong story, it's definitely one to watch! An important note: For some reason, Joey's audio got really wonky with this one. The first half is good, but the second half becomes a strange experiment in omniscient podcasting. You'll see what we mean. Enjoy! Email us: