Staines Cong Church Sermons

Sermon on the Mount Part 3



Sermon on the Mount Part 3 •We start with a recognition that we are poor in spirit •We continue with a mourning over sin •We relate to others as fellow-sinners •We hunger to be more practically righteous Now the beatitudes point to the way we relate to people in the world around us •Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. •Mercy deals with the effects of sin: pain, misery and distress •Grace deals with the guilt of sin •Mercy extends relief •Grace extends pardon •Mercy cures heals and helps •Grace forgives, cleanses and reinstates •Our hunger for righteousness may be tested by God •He allows us to be hurt and let down •Do we follow nature and seek revenge? •Or follow God and show mercy? •RT Kendall suggests two kinds of mercy… •Affectionate mercy •Real pity for someone who has hurt you that flows from genuine affection •Aggressive mercy •Mercy shown by actions that overrule our feeling for revenge •Showing mercy is not about being easy-going or laid back •It takes action: think of the Good