Bird Barf

Bird Barf Presents: Book To Movie(s) - Girl With The Dragon Tattoo



Holy guacamole, we've made another Book to Movie(s)!!! It's our second ever of this type of podcast, a long form review that focuses on a particular book and selected adaptations that have , for better or for worse, resulted from it. This time, Tina and I are discussing Stieg Larsson's novel Girl with the Dragon Tattoo along with the two films based off of it - the Swedish version and the American version. I could have named directors and have been more legitimate, but I'm really lazy. Anyway, we have been told several times that we should have longer podcasts, so hopefully this one will do the trick for now. We aim to try and do one of these per month, so we'll see how it goes. For now - here's our second ever Book to Movie(s)!! Want to talk with us? We have a Twitter! Tina runs it, but Mary stalks it obsessively too. Find us at - CAUTION - We swear a lot, because we are classy. Also, the Book to Movie(s) podcast does not avoid spoilers - we give away everything.