Bird Barf

Bird Barf 26 - Slasher And Slasher App



Whoops - I uploaded this about five days late. Sorry about that! Also, if you're wondering about the jump in numbers, that's because our previous episode - our X-Files season 10 reaction - wound up being long and we decided to only throw it up on youtube. It's over there if you want to see it! However, in this episode, Mary and Tina are joined again by Dave and for the first time by Brian! Yaay! The four of us talk about the show, and discuss how it's not the greatest thing ever, but it's also not bad. Plus - Katie McGrath. Katie McGrath is amazing. Also, stick around for a post-end-music review of the Slasher App! What did you think? Let us know here, or tweet at Tina on our twitter: Some very mild spoilers if you haven't watched the show, but since it's only the first episode (and the show is called Slasher), it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that people get killed in it. Caution - We swear a lot, because we are classy. Theme Song: