

Living your life shouldn’t be a competition with those around you. Nor should it be a competition with other people in the world. The only person you should be in competition with is yourself. You can have a life worth living. No matter where you are today and what you’re experiencing, you can level up to an effective, transformational future. On this show, I share the two truths that create a life worth living. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: Life is full of paradoxes The two paradoxical truths of life Life is not about me: The opposite of life is selfishness A talk on “me” Good things happen when you get out of the way Life is all about me: You have one life to life You are one in Seven Billion There is no other you that do what only you can do Our problem is that we don’t live for us, we live for others. We’re far too busy trying to impress, compete, and conquer others Life is like golf: the harder you try, the worse you do What if, instead, you lived trying to impress, co