American Patchwork and Quilting Radio

6-19-17 Erin Schlosser, Linda Thielfoldt, and Kim Niedzwiecki Chat with Pat on Pat Sloan's Talk show for American Patchwork and Quilting Radio



Erin Schlosser found her calling as a teacher early on, and mixed with design background.. we are the lucky winners of her talent! We talk about home sewing, fabric content, and that trying something you think is 'hard' might not really be hard at all! --------------- Have you wondered what the difference is between types of quilt shows? Local guilds, Regional or National shows? Linda and I tell you what goes on at all of these types of shows and why they are all great to experience! Plus you can meet Linda and take a workshop from her in Grand Rapids in August! -------------------- My friend Kim Niedzwiecki from GoGoKim has been fussy cutting fabrics for projects for a long time. We take the 2nd half of the show to talk about that process, I tell you about my biggest Fail at it (oi!) and she explains how starch IS your friend. ---------- visit American Patchwork & Quilting at http://allpeoplequilt