American Patchwork and Quilting Radio

7-10-17 Dora Cary, Deb Grogan, and Jacquelynne Steves Chat with Pat on Pat Sloan's Talk show for American Patchwork and Quilting Radio



It’s always fun for me to be able to talk with future guest at a show where they have all their quilts for me to see.. well maybe not all but a group! I had seen Dora Cary of Orange Dot Quilts booth and knew I had to meet. I didn’t the first time, but after inviting her to the show, we had a chance to talk this past May at an event. I love all her work, it’s fresh, inspiring and something I’d like to make. She is from Romania, now a US Citizen, and had no knowledge of quilts, I think you will enjoy meeting her and her fun and different journey into making quilts! ---------- Deb Grogan of the Quilt Factory is a very talented designer. With years of designing for other industries, she changed it up and moved into designing for quilter and we are lucky she did! I adore her whimsical style and very can do projects. Need a baby quilt? Deb has so many options you’ll be making her patterns for years to come! --------------------------- UnFinished Obj