American Patchwork and Quilting Radio

Guests: Jen de Jong, Melanie Call, HollyAnne Knight, and a chat with Pat



In my online quilt community at Facebook there are so many amazing quilts being made everyone during my sew alongs. Many of you will even share a personal story to go with my story about the sew along blocks. Jen de Jong made my Grandma’s Kitchen and she didn’t just do one, she did many and then she involved her whole family during the process. I loved the joy she brought to her family and to my community. I’m thrilled to chat with Jen about making her memory quilts from my project. ------------- I have have followed Melanie Call’s at her website A Bit of Scrap Stuff for awhile now. I love how she combines fabrics and how she takes parts of sew alongs for super fun variations. It’s great to see how quilting can be changed up! ------- HollyAnne Knight of String and Story is a quilt teacher with her training videos and articles and also started a charity called Quilts for Cure to raise awareness about childhood cancers. I asked her if she would talk about her charity organization as so many quilters do charity