Get The Answers To Life's Questions With Barbara Grace Reynolds

Lunch With Jesus 1/14/21



Join Barbara Grace Reynolds and DC Love as they channel messages from Jesus and other Divine Beings. DC Love is a natural born psychic-medium, channeler, healer and empath.  She communicates with loved ones who have passed over, as well as with Angels and Assended Masters.  She has a diverse background in Karate, Kung fu, law enforcement and private investigation.  She is currently studying Reiki and other spiritual matters.  She is a wife, mother and greandmother.  Her mission is to help people in a loving way.  Love is who she is and what she does.  She is guided by Love. Barbara Grace Reynolds is a Freedom and Empowerment Coach, Soul Contract Rewriter, Energy Upcycling Practitioner, Divine Infinity Healer, Innate Releaser, Conscious Channel, Speaker, Author and, Teacher, who assists others in transforming their lives. Barbara Grace also provides a one time only discounted 30 minute Discovery session so that you can have more clarity in your life.  Just go to her schedu