
42: Don't Say No



Dan talks with in-studio guest Anthony Armendariz of Funsize about managing the transition from independent to business owner, growing and expanding a business, remote vs. office, and more. Links for this episode:Forget the resume, kill on the cover letter by David of 37signalsA great resume will get you not-rejected, a great cover letter will get you hired. That’s the conclusion I’m left with after going through the applications for our junior support programmer position. Quit! #40: Getting Through the Door – Marco.orgOne thing irritated me, though: it sounds like his assumption is that job postings need not list the position’s salary or a salary range, which should instead be negotiated in the interview. When I was job-hunting, this always drove me nuts. REMOTE: The new book from 37signalsAs an employer, restricting your hiring to a small geographic region means you’re not getting the best people you can. As an employee, restricting your job search to companies within a reasonable commute means you’re not w