The Lion

INSIDE OUT RADIO: INterview Lisa Sarasohn



Lisa Sarasohn, Belly Queen is a bodywork and yoga therapist and an advanced Kripalu Yoga instructor. Her 20 years' experience facilitating body-mind integration includes seven years on staff at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, MA. Lisa's articles on honoring the belly have appeared in publications including Yoga Journal, Radiance, SageWoman, Caravan Trails, and Personal Transformation. Her workshops have been sponsored by colleges and universities, health education agencies, and holistic learning centers such as Omega Institute. Honoring Your Belly shares what Lisa has learned in the process of healing beyond an eating disorder. She calls herself Belly Queen not only because she gained and lost more than 2,000 pounds during her twenty years of dieting and bingeing. More to the point, she says: "I call myself Belly Queen because these are words for a woman who owns herself."