The Lion

Inside Out: Drorit Rudin, Founder Agoura Power Of Yoga



Drorit started Agoura Power of Yoga because she loves yoga and all that it adds to one's life. It brings peace and harmony, clarity of mind as well as a physically fit body. Her class is geared toward new yogis as well as long time practicing yogis who will enjoy the challenge of power yoga and the music her class has to offer. Drorit's training was an intensive one in Yoga Therapy by the incredible Gabriela Hansen in Ojai California. Through her training with Gabriela as well her life experience, she combines a very challenging music filled class with the traditional principles of hatha yoga focusing especially on the therapeutic aspects of the breath and the power of the mind. It is very important to her that she helps guide both old and new into a deep meditation after a tough class that opens the body and prepares the mind to a place of nothingness. This is how true peace is achieved.