The Lion

THE LION: Billy Shank, The Forgiveness Story



W.G. Shank, better known as Billy in real life, is a musician, writer, graphic designer, massage therapist, webmaster, life-long surfer and Religious Science Practitioner. Most Sundays he accompanies his wife, singer/songwriter Andrea Lane, as the musical inspiration at New Thought Spiritual Centers around the country. Earlier in his adult life Billy was shanghaied into coaching his stepdaughter’s AYSO soccer team. Like millions around the world, he developed a passion for the sport. He eventually earned National certifications as both a coach and referee and for years was an instructor to both.  Billy still counts his trip to South Africa for the 2010 World Cup as his all-time road trip. Enamored early in life by the martial arts, Billy studied various forms from Tai Chi to Jiu-jitsu. He currently holds a Nidan rank in Aikido (2nd degree black) and is a certified instructor with the International Yoshinkan Aikido Federation in Japan. Most mornings you will find Billy at the beach, drinking his coffee, con