The Lion

THE LION RADIO: Natalie Geld, Author, "Sensual Intelligence"



Author, Natalie Geldis Co-founder and Creative Director of the Society for Mind Brain Sciences. She has been actualizing vivid human potential for 25+ years with literary organizations, learning institutes, with individuals, schools, and professional communities. Nat is also Founder and Editorial Director of, read in 202 countries and every state in America. Her first book, Sensual Intelligence kicks off a series of focused nonfiction shorts about evolving our human experience. It is also the prelude to her upcoming book, Lifting the Skirt of Consciousness: Sexuality Love Power coming in November, 2014. Natalie is producer/director of the upcoming PBS series "The Feeling Brain," and co-author of a book with cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Bernard Baars about one of the most interactive structures in the universe - our brain. Their book is also the story of the explosion of discoveries in consciousness science these past 15 years, to be published by Oxford University Press in 2015. If y