The Lion

The Lion: Nicole Bowdler



Nicole Bowdler, channel for the Archangel Metatron, has spent the last ten years traveling throughout the US, conducting live events, workshops and private sessions.  Nicole became conscious of her gifts in 2005 after hearing the Archangel’s voice during her daily interactions with people.  She began receiving forecasts about creation of the universe and humanity at large.  Nicole intuitively understood she was hearing this information to help people evolve spiritually and master their destiny.  Up until 2005, Nicole had led a life of addiction, suffered from multiple avenues of abuse and eventually crossed the gates of death three times. Since childhood, Nicole always knew her path would be different.  She had a deep soul knowing that GOD was real and this love could never die.  In 2011, Nicole made another life altering decision to leave her safe corporate job and to pursue a full time lifestyle speaking about God and the Angels.  After being in direct contact with them for so long, she knew nothing else c