He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

I LOVE You....But Not Your Kids....Can We Fix This?



I have done all that I can to love you but your children are getting on my damn nerves. I know many are saying if you love me, you have to love my children we are a package. That's very true. However, it is difficult to establish a long healthy relationship if there is a missing link.....connection with the kids. How many of us have children or dated someone with children? Most of us are nodding our heads. How many of us have loved someone but their children were difficulty to get along with. The harder you tried to create a relationship with the child, the more difficult the child became. How about if both have children, and the children don't get along? We all have experienced this or know someone who is dealing with this situtation right now. We are not going to dance around this subject but confront it head on. Join us at 8:00 pm by calling 347-215-8985 call, text, and e-mail ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS.