He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say




Coming back to CWT4R are HIV/AIDS Activist Felix and Paula Sirls. HIV/Aids is still living strong in our community taking our parents, children, friends and our intimacy. For so many years there have been warriors in our community that have been educating, testing the young and old, giving people back their dignity and pride through counseling and motivation. Join us as we talk about the last 30 plus years and how the many success stories have kept our guest motivated and activist in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Also what they are doing now in this fight and what you can do to join and why you need to join this movement of educating about HIV/AIDS. They will also discuss the current movement and what has changed and what is going on in Michigan as it relates to HIV/AIDS . Listen in as Felix and Paula Sirls return to help us celebrate World Aids Day. This is a team that they both work hard to educate, counsel and pray together with those suffering with HIV/AID and their families. Working at the Institute for