He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say




One of the big controversies from season one ‘Empire’ has been the off-camera debate of the use of the “N” word on the show. Empire star Terrence Howard has said its time to get real about the “N” word on TV and drop the stigma surrounding the word making the hip- hop drama more authentic. Costar Taraji P. Henson has said she is against it.“N*gga” - We’ve all heard and sometimes even have used the words but when is it ok and when it is not? Why do some elders cringe while some youth have embraced these words without feeling any stigma? Is it ok for Black folk to use the N word but not Whites? Would “Empire” be any more authentic if Lee Daniels used the “N” word? And what about those other words like B*tch, Fag, etc.? Tim'm T. West is a poet, scholar, rapper, and youth activist who was born in Cincinnati and raised primarily in rural Arkansas. Tim’m brings hip hop to the table and will probably be able to talk about how the younger generation perceives all the words that are considered Taboo by many. M Shelly