Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

32nd Annual Kwanzaa Teach-In and Celebration 2020



 32nd Annual OUR COMMON GROUND 2020 Kwanzaa Teach-In and Celebration Kwanzaa is not an alternative to religions or faiths, but, offers a common ground to reaffirm our identity, dignity, & excellence in history & culture, providing us with a value system that serves as a framework and foundation that strengthens us to trust and claim our Struggle.   A celebration of the richness of our African and American history and cultures. Examing our paths of victories by perseverance and survival,  past, present, and future.  Passing on a set of principles that have brought us across, that build bridges and portals to move us forward. Umoja.  UNITYKujichagulia.  SELF-DETERMINATIONUjima.  COLLECTIVE WORK and RESPONSIBILITY and UPLIFTMENT of COMMUNITYUjamaa. COOPERATIVE ECONOMICSNia. PURPOSEKuumba. CREATIVITYImani. FAITH