Raising the Bar with Alli and Michael

18. How a Reformed Criminal is Reforming Criminals (for Free) at The Other Side Academy | with David Duroche



David Duroche is one of the most fascinating people we’ve ever had the pleasure of speaking to, on or off the podcast. He is currently the Executive Director of The Other Side Academy — but the journey that brought him there is incredible, including nearly two decades in jail. We don’t want to spoil anything else, it’s that good. Now Dave is trying to give other people the second chance he was given at The Other Side Academy, a two-year Life Skills Academy where men and women can come to learn about honesty, accountability, integrity, hard work, and self-respect: all the traits that will insulate them from a life like the one Dave had and enable them to become the kind of person Dave is today.   Connect with us on Insta: Alli: @alliwebb Adrian: @adrian.k   Resources: www.theothersideacademy.com Watch: “Reformed Criminals Reforming Criminals | Dave Durocher | TEDxSaltLakeCity” LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-durocher-772b60132/ "The Fabric of Character" by Nancy Sherman   Raising the Bar with A