Kitty Talks

Save Our Children - Laura Ward



#saveourchildrenWelcome to this weeks podcast with Laura Ward. We will be discussing her awakening story and the work she is doing for the Freedom for Children Organisation.Unfortunately, many of us have had some form of sexual trauma in our life’s. We need to help those who do not have a voice. By raising awareness of the human and child trafficking that is taking place on this earths Hear Laura’s powerful story of awakening, that will give you back your own power! It’s time to trust your inner guidance. Find out how you can get involved in with the freedom for children organisation.We are the trauma breakers. Get involved today I want to be part of the generation that stops human trafficking.Join our FYHE challenge that starts on 14th September - freedom for children organisation hosts events every 14 days so ‪the next one is 19th September‬ & then every 14 days from there until the next step....As promised on the live, You can leave feedback about the ev