Plantriotic Podcast

PP#8: Aaron Stuber “The Plant-based RN” – Teaching healthcare within a sick-care system



"Healthcare" is a deceiving term. In most western societies we associate healthcare with drugs, vaccines, and surgeries, as if the body is always out of balance. I prefer to call this method sick-care, treating peoples symptoms to disease with short term fixes rather than long term solutions and prevention. What both Aaron Stuber (The Plant-based RN) and I have discovered is that the body is a highly efficient and relentless machine whose natural state is health and functionality. Similar to a high performance car, no matter how fancy the hardware is inside, without proper fuel the machine is useless. While completing his Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon Health & Science University, Aaron began personally studying the relationship between diet, lifestyle, and health, landing him in the position of going plant-based (vegan) or going against the science. He took the leap 10 years ago, and continues today spreading the message within the cardiovascular care sector. Aaron sees dozens of patients a day with