Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

A photographer's influence with David Collyer and Tobias Beach-Wyld



Welcome to episode 113 everybody, hope you are coping well.  for those outside the UK, we have come out of the current lockdown. We are now in a tier system that allows different measures and freedoms. To carry on our journey towards learning and education, I wanted to try and get a few people on together.  The idea was to talk about some artists and their influences on life and maybe their self too.  I’m lucky to have such a kaleidoscope of people I can call on – so this time we have David Collyer and Tobias Beach-Wlyd.  Both fabulous people and photographers in their own rights. We have a discussion on a few artists, projects, and photos.  What I will do is put these all in the show notes for you, so you can visualise what we are talking about.  Everyone did their best to be descriptive as possible anyway so it will be interesting to hear if you follow on.  The artists covered in this podcast are Black Star, Don Mccullin, Philip Jones Griffiths, Kate Bellis and Nick Waplin