Being A Whole Person

Embrace Doing Less During the Darker Season



For many of us, the winter (and holiday) season comes with lower energy but higher expectations, and the dissonance of that can be really challenging. In this episode I invite you to question your assumptions about how much you have to get done, how many priorities you need to have, and how you treat yourself around that. Listen in to learn some tangible ways to do less that don’t involve throwing everything out, and are easy to try! What does doing less look like for you in this season? What’s nourishing you? Tag me on Instagram @rebecca_hass and we can share ideas! ✨✨✨ The Build Your Seasonal Self Care Survival Kit Workshop has already happened live, but the recording is still available to buy for a few more weeks! (sliding scale: $5-30) Join me to learn my favorite tips for replenishing your energy throughout this unusual holiday season, and you'll leave with a personal menu of self care practices to support yourself in times of depletion and celebration! Sign up at