Job Story

Job Story 004: ALICE Doesn't Live Here Anymore



In Job Story #4 I talk with Kiran Gaudioso at United Way of Northern New Jersey. They spearheaded the ALICE Report. ALICE is an acronym that stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These are people who live just above the poverty line, often working two or three jobs to get (barely) by.Since the first ALICE Report out of New Jersey, many other states have commissioned and issued their own reports. The idea is to get a true picture of where things stand with decent-paying jobs in the United States. It's not a pretty picture. Despite a booming economy, gains are not getting to the majority of workers in the form of raises or bonuses or any other way. With 3.9% Unemployment (a figure in dispute due to the number of "discouraged" workers no longer seeking employment) you would think employers would begin paying people more. Not the case, unfortunately.Job Story is on iTunes and SoundCloud. Stay tuned for info about Job Story on other